AI Learning Programmes & Guides

Business takes hard work and patience, we don't sell unrealistic dreams,
or FOMO. Most importantly, we are honest with the skills our courses provide and the tools we utilised to help grow whatAIdea 💯

AI Learning
& Guides

Business takes hard work and patience, we don't sell unrealistic dreams, or FOMO. Most importantly, we are honest with the skills our courses provide and the tools we utilised to help grow whatAIdea 💯

12 to 1 AI Business Course

Condense a Year of AI Business Learning into One Week

What's included?
- A Guide on choosing the Best AI/LLM Providers
- 3 Part Prompt Engineering Course
- Market Research Techniques
- Effective Pitch Template
- Social Media Automation
- Chatbot Development
- Lead Generation Chatbot Template
- Top 100 Prompt Guide

*Life time access

12 to 1 AI Business Course

Condense a Year of AI Business Learning into One Week

What's included?
- Choosing the Best AI/LLM Providers
- 3 Part Prompt Engineering Course
- Market Research Techniques
- Effective Pitch Template
- Social Media Automation
- Chatbot Development
- Lead Generation Chatbot Template
- Top 100 Prompt Guide

*Life time access

Contact us

COGS Calculator

Build AI solutions, calculating profit margins with confidence 🚀

What's included?
- Hourly Rate Calculator
- Web Traffic Calculator
- Customer Service Replacement Calculator
- Pricing Per Tokens (OpenAI + Anthropic)

*Life time access
*This product is a Google Sheet

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COGS Calculator

Manage your Cost Of Goods to ensure higher profits.

What's included?
- Hourly Rate Calculator
- Web Traffic Calculator
- Customer Service Replacement
- Pricing Per Tokens
(OpenAI + Anthropic)

*Life time access
*This product is a Google Sheet

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Become a prompt
engineering expert 👨‍💻

Buy now

What's included?
A 3 part prompt course to teach you how to be better at getting expert outputs from AI models such as chatGPT's GPT-4, GPT-3.5, Perplexity, Claude.

*Life time access


Build a chatbot for less than a cup of coffee

What's included?
A 3 Part series with intro videos & content all made to build your own low-code chatbot setup that will be completely owned by you.

*Life time access

Prompt Engineering £127

Become a prompt
engineering expert 👨‍💻

What's included?
A 3 part prompt course to teach you how to be better at getting expert outputs from AI models such as chatGPT's GPT-4, GPT-3.5, Perplexity, Claude.

*Life time access

Buy now


Buy now

Chatbot Development

Build a chatbot for less than
a cup of coffee

What's included?
A 3 Part series with intro videos & content all made to build your own low-code chatbot setup that will be completely owned by you.

*Life time access

Buy now






What is Prompt Engineering?

What is an LLM (Large Language Model)?

How and Why to Use the OpenAI API Key?

What are the ChatGPT Alternatives?

GPT-4 vs. GPT-3.5: What's the Difference?

How do you get Accurate Answers on ChatGPT?